Here you can find some detailed information about me.

Technical Interests

I studied electrical engineering with a focus on information technology and robotics.

The first subject was distributed computing with Open MPI and openMP. Over time, I have unfortunately dealt less with OpenCL, but that can still change. Even if it comes back in a different way with CUDA.

The second topic was the kinematic transformation of serial and parallel robots. I was able to deepen and above all expand my knowledge during my bachelor thesis. Here I dealt with the automatic referencing of a cable-driven robot.

Finally, I knew there was more. So I started studying photonics with a focus on the numerical simulation of scattered light produced by a large number of spherical particles. This simulation is based on Mie theory. In order to also get a handle on the quadratic complexity of the calculations, the ML-FMM was also implemented. During this time, I learned to appreciate a programming language that was new to me, FORTRAN.

In my spare time during my master’s thesis, I read a lot about Proxmox because I wanted to host my data myself. Fortunately, in my first job at the ITO of the University of Stuttgart, I was able to gain a lot of practical experience by setting up a cluster. The main feature of this cluster was to provide an easy-to-use platform for students and staff to train deep neural networks. So I had to learn a lot more. With my colleague at the time, we started to handle Proxmox on a larger scale than I had the opportunity to before with my small setup at home. Also, other cornerstones were not to be missed like: Ansible, LDAP, GPU passthrough, Jupyter Lab & Hub and Slurm.


I like the simple way of travelling. This means that a sleeping bag and sometimes a tent are usually enough. Ok a little bit more is necessary to carry these things like in a hiking backpack or in a pannier.

To clear my head, once a year I travel alone for a week. During this time, the smartphone is switched off or at least only the navigation function is activated.

Travel Bucked List

  • Tenerifa
  • Himalaya
  • South Korea (currently the replacement for China)
  • Trans–Siberian Railway
  • Greece
  • Sicily
  • EuroVelo 6: Atlantic - Black Sea


  • Jogging
  • Bouldering
  • Playing the didgeridoo